With fabric of course! My favourite fabric shop - The Running Stitch - is having their January Sale so off I went this morning with a generous gift certificate from my son. I had a list but sometimes I am just captured by colour. I did try to stay within certain colourways since I have a few projects in mind. I purchased a Gloria Loughman online class on Craftsy before the holidays and I want to work on it this winter. I also wanted to do a winter themed piece since I tend to shy away from them (not sure why). But you won't see too many winter colours in this pile of fabric! I seem to be drawn towards combinations of blues, orange, and purple recently. I also purchased some fabric to make bags for my work as it travels to shows. And I am planning on making more fabric beads and pendants.
And now I'm editing my post because I almost forgot to show you the yummy yarns and rovings I bought from Wooltime earlier this week.
New Year's Resolutions? I have no resolutions to speak of but I will continue to organize and de clutter. My theme in the past year has been to strive to take care of business (both house business and quilt business). I got rid of lots of large objects that were stored in my basement, I purchased a furnace protection plan, completed some repairs to my home, traded my aging vehicle, and am working on organizing cupboards - all with the idea that the less I have to worry about the more I can be creative.
I think it is a good thing to reflect on the year just past and see where we are at. In 2013, I took part in two successful shows in Ottawa plus a group exhibit at the local library My colour challenge piece was exhibited at Wabi Sabi, Fibre Fling and Fibre Fest. I had a piece in the 'Sacred Threads' exhibition. I opened my ETSY shop at the end of November. I am moving forward.
My Tree piece for the SAQA Trunk show is on its way and I plan to enter pieces in a 'Prairie' themed show and Quilt Canada. We have a spring show coming up with Out of the Box as well. I want to keep entering shows but I am trying to be careful to not take on too much, to pace myself, play, and spend time with friends. 'Living Simply' is my underlying long term goal.
IF I had a resolution (which I don't:) it would be to be more active physically. Last year was a difficult one healthwise - nothing life threatening but just things that prevented me from exercising a lot. It didn't stop me from dancing the night away on New Year's Eve.......I think I'll just keep dancing into 2014........
And here's a picture of Dru wearing her christmas necklace (not for long:)