I haven't had much time to post lately. Since I joined Instagram I do most of my posting there. You can find me at #juanitasauvefibreart. But I have been missing my blog so today I updated my gallery with some of my newer work and added to my presentation schedule for 2020.
I have been busy in 2019 with our spring exhibition Fibre Fling at Kitchissippi church in Ottawa. I had a piece juried into the Quilt Canada Exhibition here in Ottawa in June as well as another in the Rosette category exhibit at the show. I was part of a group exhibition during the month of May at Glebe Community Centre and with Out of the Box fibre artists who had a very successful exhibition called Summer Fibrations at the Textile Museum in Almonte, And I am exhibiting 3 pieces at a Water themed exhibition at the Streve gallery in Perth.
I have also been involved with several musical events with our band Local Colour and have been motivated to write several new songs for the group.
No vacation yet this year but soon. I know some would say that spending my time with art and music means always being on vacation but other artists know there is a lot of hard work involved.
Here are two pieces I created for this spring/summer's exhibitions. After brilliant red sunsets and blush pink dawns, this year I tackled yellows - Fire in the Sky and Mad About Saffron. I am now working on night skies using the same strip method. Maybe Northern Lights next?
Why Quilt on Off the Wall Friday
6 days ago