Friday, May 27, 2011

Taking Care of Business (And Whining About It)

The Festival of Quilts exhibition went well.   Both pieces of my work were exhibited and the Out of the Box booth looked fabulous!   Then suddenly with  spring came a flurry of paperwork.   I am having a solo exhibition in the summer of 2012 and needed to prepare information about the exhibit and complete my contract.   Then I finished up a couple of pieces, completed an application and photos and sent them out for jurying for an exhibition in Massachusetts.   I think I'll keep them under wraps for now but if they are rejected I will probably be posting them on my blog.   Next I need to complete an application for a fall show that I enter every year.  I'd like to send some work to a postcard exhibition that is coming up  but I don't know if I will have time.   Of course there were the ever present April tax papers to file.  At the same time I am having repair work done to my home, finishing up a work contract and planning a couple of trips - to the Gaspe in Quebec and to Cape Breton Nova Scotia.  And I am putting the finishing touches on a commissioned piece - which I will post as soon as it is finished.  But wait,  I see a light at the end of the tunnel.  So I'm taking a deep breath and starting to  plan my work for next year's exhibition.   I started by making a list of ideas for pieces which fit my theme and today I sketched two patterns.   I also want to finish my Quan Yin piece which I started last year then put on the shelf for awhile.   My theme is about the paths we take through life - literal and figurative- especially the ones that lead to joy and enlightenment.  I think that most of my work has an autobiographical component and/or mirrors my desire to tell a story so this theme is a joy to explore.

I purchased some great hand dyes and I'd like to share some photos but right now my server won't cooperate so I'll need to save them for the next post.

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