A few days before my open house I ordered a few mats for my 4 x 6 landscape miniatures. I wanted a 5 x 7 mat with a 4 x 6" opening. When they arrived I realized that I had ordered the wrong size and my mat openings were 3 x 5". So....when life hands you lemons.......I quickly made up a few 3 x 5 minis - a size I hadn't worked with before. I loved the results - especially with these white/black double mats. I framed a few and offered a choice of matted and framed or unframed. They turned out to be pretty popular at the open house. Of course these are all fused to a backing and left unstitched. But they look quite striking. With the 3 x 5s you get more mat surrounding them than having a 5 x 7 mat on a 4 x 6 piece. I plan to make more but here are some results of my little 'mistake'.

I am also starting back to work on pieces for my summer exhibition. One is an interpretation of Kuan Yin from the buddhist tradition. I started her almost 2 years ago, then put the piece aside to percolate (some pieces need more time than others:-) This week I took it out and started adding hand-painted and appliqued icons - a young tiger, exotic bird, bowl of rice, dragon and lotus flower (so far). I am liking the results but need to figure out more embellishments for her gown etc.
I also am itching to share something with visitors to my blog but I need to wait for a few weeks. It was probably more exciting for me than for anyone else........